Talking dreams

Hello, hello, hello.

How are you doing today? I hope you’re all having a wonderful week so far and if you are not, I hope things get better for you. They will.

I came home today from school to find a letter on the mail waiting for me. I got rejected from my first choice college. You see, I got an email last week letting me know I did not get in and I felt rather fine, but I broke into tears when I read the physical letter. I was holding the physical proof that things were not going to be how I wanted them to; it felt real this time. Not gonna lie, I did cry. A lot. I even threw a small pity party for myself because it really isn’t a nice feeling to want something so much, and then being let known that you can’t have it.

I decided to reschedule the lifestyle blog post that I had planned to publish today for another day and write this from scratch instead. As I’m writing this with a little bit of a migraine and puffy eyes from bawling my eyes out, I did realise something. I did not get into this school but that doesn’t mean I should ever give up. If anything, this should give me an even more valid reason to never stop working hard and chasing my dreams. I will just have to work a little bit harder to get there.

I will be going to my second choice university and majoring in Marketing and International  Management. Not graphic design, as I had originally planned. It is kind of a drastic change, huh? Going from art school to business school. I have four years ahead of me and anything can happen in such a long amount of time.

I’m not sure where this is going, exactly. I don’t want my blog to just be defined by makeup or fashion, but I also really want to humanise it and share some of my experiences with you. Sadly, this is not a very exciting or happy one. But one day. One day something good – really, really good will happen – and I will find myself typing a blog post thanking you for the support.

Please, don’t give up on your dreams. No matter how impossible they seem to be. Don’t give up on yourself. Just work hard for what you want and don’t forget to stay humble.

Have a nice day and I will talk to you soon.


15 thoughts on “Talking dreams

  1. Apoorva says:

    Hey, I’m sorry you didn’t get to your uni of choice but I really love your strength and determination to find something better, and I know in my heart that someday you will. Thanks for letting in your world, have a good day and may all your dreams come true 😊


    • Styling Canvas says:

      This drew the biggest smile on my face, which has been quite bit of a challenge since I am still a bit bummed about it but I appreciate your kind words so much. 💖 It sucks to not be able to have control over something you put so much of yourself into, but I am excited for the future and the things ahead. Thank you, thank, you, thank you. 🐣💞

      Liked by 1 person

    • Styling Canvas says:

      I really am trying my hardest too keep this mindset. I’m a big ball of emotions, so it might take a couple days for me to get over it, but the only thing I can do now is move forward and hope for better things. Thank you so much for reading, 💖💞.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. naïveté says:

    I’m so sorry that you didn’t get into the college that you wanted. I know you feel sad right now but sometimes these things happen for a reason. Sometimes it’s just the universe pushing you to the right path. Don’t give up!


    • Styling Canvas says:

      It’s fine, love! I am still finding ways to cope with the sadness in a way that will still help me move on to better things, and I think I’m getting these. Slow but steady. Thank you for taking some of your time to read this post, I appreciate it. I hope you’re having a good day. 💖

      Liked by 1 person

  3. beautynoobie says:

    Everything will be okay, trust me. In life sometimes we have to face rejection. That happened to me after college when I couldn’t get a job for 6 months. I was 22, had a Master Degree and had to wait tables for a year (I started doing that while finishing my post grad) and everytime people I work with ask ‘what are you doing here waiting tables? you have a master degree for goodness sake’ i was like, ‘ummm do you have a job lined up for me?’
    It was very annoying but I kept in mind that people waited a long time to achieve their dreams, whether it be a dream college or a dream job and there I was whining after only 6 months. I stopped whining and just get on with my life, and then after that, life turned out pretty okay 🙂 I still haven’t found my dream job, but I have a job now that pays well while I figure out what to do with my life next.
    Please trust me when I say we are in this together and please never feel alone or think that you are not good enough to do something. xox

    Liked by 1 person

    • Styling Canvas says:

      It makes me so happy to hear things turned out just fine for you after struggling for a bit. Thank you for taking some time off of your day to read this and share your experience with me as well, it means a lot. I’m a ball of emotions and I usually have a hard time coping with disappointment and sadness, but I am trying my hardest to keep my head held up high. I am so excited for the things ahead for the both of us in the future. Love + light, 💖.


      • beautynoobie says:

        Awww you’re most welcome. Maybe now you think that not getting accepted into the college of your choice is a hurdle, but, who knows in a few years, or even a few months you found the reason why you didn’t get in and maybe your life will take you to a different but better and more exciting direction because of that. Either way I know that you’ll keep your chin up high and you’ll be fine 🙂


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